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Bastille Day (Live At Hammersmith Odeon - February 20, 1978)
The Camera Eye (Live In YYZ 1981)
Broon's Bane (Live In YYZ 1981)
Beneath, Between & Behind (Live In YYZ 1981)
New World Man (Live - Grace Under Pressure Tour)
Closer To The Heart (Live in Manchester - Permanent Waves 1980 Tour)
Cygnus X-1 (Live in London - Permanent Waves 1980 Tour)
Beneath, Between & Behind (Live in Manchester - Permanent Waves 1980 Tour)
A Passage To Bangkok (Live in Manchester - Permanent Waves 1980 Tour)
Natural Science (Live in Manchester - Permanent Waves 1980 Tour)
By-Tor & The Snow Dog (Live in London - Permanent Waves 1980 Tour)
Freewill (Live in London - Permanent Waves 1980 Tour)
Xanadu (Live in London - Permanent Waves 1980 Tour)
A Passage To Bangkok (Live In The UK / 1980)
2112 Overture / The Temples Of Syrinx
2112 Overture (Retrospective Edit)
2112 Overture / The Temples Of Syrinx (Chronicles Version)
2112 Overture / The Temples Of Syrinx / Discovery / Presentation / Soliloquy / Grand Finale
If I Ruled the World (feat. Iyaz)